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Computed traits

Everything you need to know about this powerful feature

Updated over a week ago

Traits (also known as attributes or properties) are informations attached to users and companies that are mostly used as filters for creating audiences or cohorts.

Normally traits get created and updated through identify call (user traits) or group call (company traits). Our recommendation for traits is include information about:

  • Subscription status (e.g. free, trial, paid)

  • Role (e.g. admin, editor, viewer)

  • Job title (e.g. CEO, developer, designer)

  • Source of signup (e.g. organic, referral, paid)

  • Set up status (e.g. completed KYC, connected their CRM, or whatever is relevant to your product)

Up until now, to have more complex traits such as the number of active seats in a company in the last 7 days, the number of core actions in the last 14 days or the number of users that that used a particular feature, you had to run the calculation on your side and update the trait using a cron job.

Right now with ComputedTraits you can do everything from June's UI, no need to write any code!

Computed Traits

With June's Computed Traits you will be able to create and update traits automatically based on events.

Computed traits are particularly useful to create audiences and cohorts, improve your CRM capabilities and for reporting.

Set up

  • Trait type: you will be able to create traits on both user and company profiles using the selector at the top

  • Output: for the calculation you will be able to either:

    • run a total count on the selected events -> suitable if you want to know the number of times an event was triggered for a user / company (e.g number of invoices created, number of teammates invited etc)

    • run a unique count of the users that performed the events you've chosen -> suitable if you want to know how many users in a company performed a certain action (e.g number of active seats in a company, number of new users in a company etc)

    • boolean - whether an event has happened or not --> useful for setup or una tantum actions

    • first seen / last seen - the timestamp of the last or first time a given event happened

  • Event: select the events that you want to consider for the calculation. You can also select properties and add frequency filters to be more constraining.

  • Run computation over the last: the value of the trait will be calculated over a certain period

How often are traits calculated / updated?

Traits are calculated / updated once a day, every day for all the users / companies.
This means that every day, June will calculate again the traits.

You'll be able to see the last compute timestamp by hovering on the trait on the company or user profile or from the Computed Traits section in the Settings.

Computed Traits to start with

Here you can get inspiration from the best computed traits we've seen.

-seats: company, user count, any event, all time

-active_seats_last_14_days: company, user count, any event, last 14 days

-number_core_actions_last_14_days: company, total count, <core event name>, last 14 days

- number_core_actions_last_30_days: company, total count, <core event name>, last 30 days

- activation_completed: user, unique count, <core event name>, all time

- last_seen: user / company / group, any event, all time

How to best use Computed Traits

Computed traits are very powerful when coupled with our CRM integration and together they can power automation workflows to close more deals and increase paid retention.

Computed traits are also very useful to create Saved Audiences and improve filtering in reports.

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