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Everything you need to know about subprocessors

Updated over a week ago

Data about June users

These are the vendors we use to run our product and manage our relationships with our customers. This data is the data of our users, that access our product at and

These vendors don't have access to data about our own customers' end-users.

πŸ”’ Please note these subprocessors do not apply to your Customer Data. These are the subprocessor we use for our customer data (also called "June users Data").
You can find the list of subprocessor for your data below

We use the following vendors to operate June:

  • Gsuite, DPA

    • Location: USA

    • Purpose: back office operations

    • Data: email of June users

  • Segment, DPA

    • Location: USA

    • Purpose: Platform tracking infrastructure

    • Data: Email, Name, In-app behaviour of June users

  • Google Analytics, DPA

    • Location: USA

    • Purpose: Traffic analytics on marketing site(s)

    • Data: In-app behaviour of June users

  • Intercom, DPA

    • Location: USA

    • Purpose: Customer service communication

    • Data: Email, Name, In-app behaviour of June users

  • Datadog, DPA

    • Location: USA

    • Purpose: Monitoring system latencies and app performance

    • Data: Anonymised session data of June users.

  • Sentry, DPA

    • Location: USA

    • Purpose: Detect and resolve session bugs

    • Data: IP address and In-app behaviour of June users.

  • Slack, request DPA via Intercom

    • Location: USA

    • Purpose: Internal company communication

    • Data: email of June users

Data about your customers

Our data processors are the vendors we use to process our customers' end user data. This would typically include their events, users and companies.

  • AWS Germany, DPA

    • Location: Germany

    • Purpose: hosting and storage

    • Data: Email, Name, In-app behaviour of June users. All customer data sent by June users

πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ί πŸ”’ Unless you agreed to June AI additional product terms, June does not use your data nor share with sub-processors outside of AWS in Frankfurt (Germany). This also means that if you are using our SDK, the server where you data is stored is in Germany.

June AI

In case you agreed to June AI additional product terms, June will be using an additional subprocessor, based in the US:

  • OpenAI, L.L.C, DPA

    • Location: USA

    • Purpose: Provides large language model processing via APIs for customers using June's June AI services.

    • Data: Event name, Property name, In-app behaviour

Please note that emails and other user data are not passed to OpenAI except if you explicitly specify them in your prompt (ex: if you write (exclude [email protected], then [email protected] is passed to OpenAI)





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